Quantazelle Remix Contest + Free Samples (June 12 Deadline)

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Quantazelle Remix Contest + Free Samples (June 12 Deadline)

Post by quantazel »

Over the years I’ve made a bunch of samples, and less than a fourth have actually made themselves into my tracks. I’ve dropped fancy objects, slammed doors, sang random things, banged on wine glasses, swirled a microphone in front of a speaker, made funny mouth sounds, got sketchy looks from the garbage men as I stood there with a microphone while they collected the trash, recorded the sound of opening JPGs in a wave editor, pushed envelopes where they shouldn’t go, recorded my friends talking about music and much much more.

I realized, while making new tracks, that I have this crazy huge sample library, and it’s a shame that it’s not being put to use. So, I’m releasing it to the world, and I hope it does something amazing for someone, somewhere.

To launch my free sample library, I’m throwing a contest. Make a cool track with my samples and submit it to quantazelle@gmail.com before June 12, 2010.

Additional clarification:

* My samples are released under a Creative Commons Attribution license. You are welcome to use them in other tracks, I’d just appreciate credit, and/or hitting me up with what you’ve made.
* Your track for the contest can use other sounds beyond the ones in the sample pack. Be aware though I’m judging the contest and recognize the samples, so creative use of them will probably give you an advantage. ;-)
* The 3 winning tracks will be available on my website for download and play. Please make sure they are tagged with your name and the track name.
* Email the finished tracks to quantazelle@gmail.com by the end of the due date. Include Your Name, Track Name, and a URL for promoting you (optional).
* Tracks that have already been submitted will still be in the running.

Good luck! -Liz

Samples: http://www.quantazelle.com/free-stuff/sample-pack/

FIRST PRIZE: $75 Gift Certificate to Fractalspin.com & Coaster CD
SECOND PRIZE: $50 Gift Certificate to Fractalspin.com & Coaster CD
THIRD PRIZE: $20 Gift Certificate to Fractalspin.com & subVaritrax CD

Looking forward to hearing your work!
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