Please help me with my project so far..?

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Please help me with my project so far..?

Post by kristofason »

Hello, ive started a project (track) and ive got the chance for it to be played out on sunday on a big rig, sadly i dont own monitors, im doin it thru dodgy headphones and using my television speakers as a reference!

I'm only 4 minutes in..Most of the main elements are there, i need to know what elements sound too loud/quiet and if the kick and bass are overpowering or too weak, also i could do with constructive critisicm on my arrangement..basically i dont know wether the start drags on a bit and if the whole idea works in general.
I'd post this in the members section but others ive posted before have had hardly any views plus the fact that not many people who post on the 'members' section get involved in the 'producing' forum. I can say im feeling the track so far but i need more input (my girlfriend is bound to be biased!)
Any input would be bonus and i thank you for referencing my project through your monitors...!
mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

i'm not good at mix downs and it's not so easy to give advice. For me changing the levels is definitely a personal thing. i'd probably try to find a way to listen on decent monitors myself.

arrangement etc. ( all imo)

I like the chord stuff. Emotional but also subtle... it can be hard to get that part right... really easy to make it too cheesy or too full on with melody.

The kinda plniky melody that comes in half way thry could be pushed back a bit I think. like in the mix, or have smaller beat density or something.

i like this music and I think the general vibe could work in the right setting.
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Post by thomasjaldemark »

sounds good and all productionwise but to me its just sounds so damn unpersonal
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mnml maxi
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Post by kristofason »

Thanks for the comments!
oblio im findin it hard to tame the plinky melody, if i lower the volume,the low freqs disappear but i think the high notes are a bit overpowering (from what i can hear)..what do u mean smaller beat density?

Thomas! try to be less vague with the unpersonal, im dying to know why!

thanks all the same peeps, can anyone else take a few mins and give me a bit of constructive criticism?
Alex Bizzaro
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Post by Alex Bizzaro »

PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:58 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the comments!
oblio im findin it hard to tame the plinky melody, if i lower the volume,the low freqs disappear but i think the high notes are a bit overpowering (from what i can hear)..what do u mean smaller beat density?

turn down a little bit the velocity for the high notes only..

I fully agree with oblioblioblio when he says: "The kinda plniky melody that comes in half way thry could be pushed back a bit I think. like in the mix, or have smaller beat density or something."

In my opinion, try to wide a little bit more the sounds, seems that all the sounds are playing at the center.
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Post by XIII NRV »

It sounds decent, not very tight tho...
:::::::::boom tchak boom boom tchak:::::::::::
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Post by kristofason »

I cant agree that all the sounds are dead centre coz of all the reverb and panning ive done but listening back there is way too much goin on in the centre especially when it kicks in at the 2:30 mark, most of the drums and shakers are centre tho...
the plinky bit is an arp so im findin it difficult to lower the velocitys without affecting the lows, compression maybe to even everythin out?? Im scared il crush the fook out of the dynamics of the riff tho...

XIII NRV : what part isnt very tight, the timing with parts in relation to one another or programming or..?

props for all the comments, im chuffed uve put the effort into listening to be fair!
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Post by Direkt »

push those synths up a bit...
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