music in the universe - fact or dream

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Post by mayzee »

you think thats good take a look at page 4 of the 'friendly forum' thread on's general forum...

this is what happens when i don't have enough work to do ;)
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Post by mayluna »

check this movie..

what the bleep do we now.

i know it's just a movie, but since you have so much spare time it might be something for you to philosopher about and have fun with .. ;)

.. you give yourself ..
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Post by mayzee »

ahhh, yes... I've heard about this film before... some of the local hippies were trying to get me to watch it when I started applying some cold hard logic and reason to their theories... :lol:

the problem is that science and 'philosophy' are currently using a lot of the same terminology (vibrations, energies etc)... the problem is that these words have completely different meaning depending on the context in which they are used, but to people who aren't familiar with the science its easy to hear these terms and then extrapolate meaning from them..

one is a physically measureable process, the other is a conjectural concept... as such its like trying to compare apples and pears...

just because science can't answer these questions doesn't mean that science isn't right or that there is something 'other' at work... in fact its unfair to ask science to answer these questions as they come froma completely different frame of reference, it's like trying to apply the rules of football to cookery...

I prefer to stick with what is, rather than what might be, its good to imagine, but only from a solid footing of facts, and I am *sure* that most of the stuff in that film will be discovered to have a much more rational explanation... the same way that accupuncture has been shown to work, but have nothing to do with 'moving energies'

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Post by mayzee »

see, this is where I'm coming from (taken from


Five-dimensional sounds

VIBRATIONAL energies are, we suggested back on 17 December 2005, sure-fire indicators that texts mentioning them are fruit-loopery deluxe. We now add to our trigger list all combinations of "subtle", "energy", "quantum" and "physics". Especially "German subtle energy quantum physics research", as featured in the embarrassment of loopy riches at to which Keith Simpson alerts us.

There, quantum wondrousness is invoked to sell "Energized 5D Sound CD's" - which originated when "Norman McVea, PhD. of Oxygen Research Institute made a dramatic breakthrough in imprinting Life Energy Amplified fields and encoding them onto Audio Tapes and CD's." (Those will be quantum apostrophes tunnelling in from other sentences, we presume.) How a being trapped in four-dimensional Einsteinian space-time can tell whether the sounds are truly five-dimensional is left as an exercise for spiritually advanced readers.


Last edited by mayzee on Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by John Clees »

mayzee wrote:, an animal that got a bit too clever for its own good... nothing more...

I think we will evolve, but we're now in a position to direct our evolution and take an active role in it,

I'm kinda going off topic: music in the universe - fact or dream

but I agree... and the first sentance is right on the money and funny..:)

I think we took an active role in it back then as well. but Im saying the active role ..... isn't that just to survive? by living your taking an active role... arn't you..? the will to live... just as the first species evolved to the world that was currently around them as well...

just saying.. what if life will exsist on other planets in our lifetime? how would we evolve then.. ? who's to say (how) we will? who's to say it wouldn't even be based on the world we know of at the moment?

in regards to music / universe ........ I like theories of silent soundwaves triggering vibrations into other dementions.... and vice versa..

looking forward to more conversation..

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Post by mayzee »

mmm, I guess you're right about an active role... the will to survive an all that... but although the role was active it probably wasn't something we were aware of... its the awareness now which is the important thing, especially as we get increasing better at gene sequencing/splicing and stem cell therapies etc...

Reading new scientist the other day I was amazed at the rate at which this field is growing (being a physicist I'm not too hot on all the biochemistry stuff)... perhaps this is the way we'll control our evolution... and perhaps evolution will then become more about ethics than anything else... a lot of scientists just find things out because they can, and never really consider the wider implications of their discoveries for good/wrong...

as for other planets, if a child was born on mars they'd never be able to come back to earth, the lower gravity there would have all sorts of effects on the bone structure and muscle tone... they'd both be much weaker than here... unless of course the bionetic research pulls something out the bag... :)

and what do you mean by 'other dimensions' exactly..?
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Post by John Clees »

but although the role was active it probably wasn't something we were aware
being aware... and being (able) to control things after what we may be come... may be another question.. will cloning go too far... ? if people are filled with greed now.. wait until you have wars of cloning things for war purposes... ect ect...

reminds me of the scene in ( 12 monkeys )

the computer robots actually controlled humans.. humans were used to to reproduce or something of that nature.
mayzee wrote:and what do you mean by 'other dimensions' exactly..?
nothing specific at the moment... meaning ............just a theory of a possibility..
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Post by mayzee »

Ok, well thing with dimesnsions is again there are two ways of looking at it... to some it means other places, just like ours thats we're separated from by the thickness of a universe or thought...

to me though the other dimensions talked about are related to the 13D space (Hilbert Space) in which strings exists... we can't move through thses dimensions as they're all small and curled up, but energy can transfer in and out of them...

best way to describe what I mean by small and curled up is to imagine a power line, from a distance its a 1D line in space... if you were an ant crawling on it, you could move along, and round the wire, making it 2D... so the extra dimension is actually just a function of scale :)
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