Hearing damage, Hyperacusis !

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Post by steevio »

Dragonsand wrote:Hello! I've juste read this interessant discussion, cause I've got a little problem myself. Since yesterday, I feel like a pulsation, a discret beat when I listen to a very high and cutting sound. (for example, the sound of my latop, which is high, makes me feel these little pulsations. I noticed that when I'm listening to music with my monitors, all is okay for me. Other sound which makes me feel pulsations/vibrations is the manipulating plastic packing of medicines... you know? as if a little muscle was beating. I don't feel a pain, just a strange deep beat.

Doctors don't know a lot of things about ears in France, that's why I ask you if you have ever had this kind of experience? Could it be just because I'm tired?
yes ive had it too, and also the friend i mentioned in this thread, we both assoiciated it with the hyperacusis, its gone away for both of us.
neither of us has had a wax problem. we both think that its a muscle twitch and seems to be controllable when you deal with the psychological aspects of hyperacusis. its like your muscles in your ear are tensed up in expectation when theres loud noises around.
ite really weird, and the doctor couldnt help my friend, he just wanted to send him to the hospital.
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Post by Dragonsand »

Yes, doctors don't know a lot of things about ears problems...

It's strange because when I'm listening to music, I don't feel nothing... But when the phone is ringing or when I scratch these medicine packings, I feel this vibration, the same "deaf" vibration when you yawn or you go underwater you know...

According to researchs on the web, it could be something called myoclites... or something like these. It's when your muscle is beating.

Do you feel the pain with hyperacousis? It's not painful, just weird...

people, try it (ahah), scratch, manipulate a medicine packing, and tell me if you feel a kind of vibrating echo?

A friend of mine has the same effect, like me, but another friend feels nothgin. It's weird.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

heheh, this thread came up again just at the right time for me.

I'd been doing silly things like riding the volume control when watching tv and using earplugs when doing the dishes.

basically training myself to be fearful of sound. not great.

ermm... I wanna tell the story of my mate again, I metnioned it earlier in the thread and I'm not sure if anyone picked up on it. He was born with a defect in his ears that was basically a ticking time bomb, and by the time he was a young infant he had 100% tinnitus in one ear (i.e. 20 to 20,000hz at maximum amplitude... the word 'ringing' doesn't quite do this justice) and about 80% in the other. When I get paranoind about tinnitus I try and think of him, cos in some ways it is insulting to worry about a fizzing beep when this guy has an isolating ocean that he's had to deal with for basically his entire life.

It's amazing though, even through the little window that he does have, music is a part of his life that I can't even begin to comprehend how important it is to him.

I watched him play a gig the other day and it was beautiful.

Obviously I don't wanna downplay the importance of looking after your own hearing where possible, and it's true that you can unwillingly amplify your own tinnitus into something greater than it is through paranoia. But definitely it is a very lucky situation to have some degree of choice in these matters.
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Post by Dragonsand »

I can't imagine how difficult it could be for him...("fortunately" he was born with it...)

But "relativity" is difficult to apply in fact... It's automatic, thinking that perhaps you'll never hear like you heard before is really frightening. I think it's human. But thinking that other people like your friends can live and playing music with a heavier problem can help when you finally assume that you'll never hear like in the past...

I'm paranoiac since yesterday. I 'll stop thinking about it and see the near future...
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Post by steevio »

my tinnitus never goes away, its there all the time but i dont notice it unless i'm in a silent situation, or i focus on it. just reading the word tinnitus makes it appear like magic and it becomes totally intrusive.
i completely ignore it, and its not there.
i'm a lucky one, i manage it without effort, some people arent so lucky, but the secret is dont focus on it, its like ambient noise, you only notice it when it stops.
another friend of mine has tinnitus and it drives him crazy, he keeps going to the doctors, he's got a white noise generator under his pillow because he cant sleep with it, he's had all sorts of tests, treatments etc etc. but i'm convinced his problem is that he's totally focussed on it.
the same happened with hyperacusis, when i was focussed on it because i thought i was going to go deaf and i freaked out that i wouldnt be able to make music anymore, it got worse and became unbearable, it was actually painful, once i dealt with the psycholgical elements, it dissappeared almost instantly, i very occasionally get it again if i've overdone it in the studio, but as soon as it appears i make it go away on the spot.
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Post by AVX23 »

regards the possibility of wax build up and sinus problems.

I recently had well over 6 months where I couldn't really write much music, I had a lot going on medically and one of the problems I was having was that my ear felt like it was clicking, when I was yawning It would often emit a burst of static like sound and it was horrible.

In the past I've had a small period where strong midrange sounds would hurt my ear, but this passed as I started being more careful listening to music and stopped playing so many gigs (I was finding gigs with bands to be the worst for hurting my ears so stopped working them).

I now am extremely careful, I don't always wear earplugs, but I've cut down on going out and normally tend to stand at the back of gigs and when people want to talk to me - I stop them and ask that they speak to me away from the dancefloor (people shouting in your ears is a killer !).

Anyway - to get back to the point, I was frightened I'd buggered my hearing so went to see the doc on numerous occasions and researched the problem online.

It seems it's caused by a blockage of cattar or whatever - let's just call it 'gunk' in your inner ear, in tubes called the euchasian tubes (probably bad spelling).

The crackling and whatnot is the fluid moving around.

I've since started doing regular menthol inhalations and this has sorted the problem out, my ear still clicks when I move it, but it's doesn't feel uncomfortable or emit bursts of static/crackle.
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Post by hydrogen »

AVX23 wrote:Anyway - to get back to the point, I was frightened I'd buggered my hearing so went to see the doc on numerous occasions and researched the problem online.

It seems it's caused by a blockage of cattar or whatever - let's just call it 'gunk' in your inner ear, in tubes called the euchasian tubes (probably bad spelling).
i've got similar issues been to numerous docs and they don't offer much advise.
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Post by AVX23 »

hydrogen wrote:
AVX23 wrote:Anyway - to get back to the point, I was frightened I'd buggered my hearing so went to see the doc on numerous occasions and researched the problem online.

It seems it's caused by a blockage of cattar or whatever - let's just call it 'gunk' in your inner ear, in tubes called the euchasian tubes (probably bad spelling).
i've got similar issues been to numerous docs and they don't offer much advise.
Yes , it's a bit of a problem really, I had to research the problem myself and really noise the doctor up until he finally conceded and checked me out properly and confirmed the problem, Had I not have been so unrelenting I would have been fobbed off.

A lot of the time they see it as self inflicted I guess, mine did initially say 'it's probably all the loud music you listen to' when in fact it's more to do with a dodgy immune system and having a bad cold which lasted all winter.

Bah to doctors !
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