Hearing damage, Hyperacusis !

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mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

i dont know if you noticed, but i originally posted the thread over two years ago, and i dont have hyperacousis any longer.

my opinions on GPs in the UK come from years of poor service and bad experiences. i dont think i said ALL doctors were incompetent, and i'm sure that hearing specialists are very well qualified to deal with these issues,

much of what i was saying was based around a blog i had read by someone who had hyperacousis ( who actually posted in the thread somewhere ) who had bad experiences with specialists who werent able to help him.

both myself and my producer friend who i mentioned cured ourselves almost instantaneously and havent had any problems in the last two years.
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Post by oblioblioblio »

I think it's valuable information.

I think looking after your hearing is very very important, but I think it can become an overwhelming task... cos your ears are obviously priceless. and so, as a producer, you can put a stupid amount of energy into worrying, which in itself creates a problem.

I don't think steevio ever recommended not caring about your hearing, I think the topic is mainly focussing on how much of a psychological struggle it can become.

The ears are actually very well esigned devices, and I think it can take quite a lot over a long period of time to really fck with them (or a severaly unlucky once off incident). And I think they can also get kinda upset by hyperacusis, cos they need a bit of noise to keep functioning properly.

but I suppose we're all still guinea pigs reagrding this topic so it can be best to take everything you hear on the matter with a pinch of salt.
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Post by gustafsson »

haha no i have not noticed ,

well " dont think i said ALL doctors were incompetent"
"I don't think steevio ever recommended not caring about your hearing"

and i did not said u did , but that was the idea i kept after reading the post...So although i did not read that i interpret that from way u wrote the post although im not english so prob my fault

Anyway although my english is bad i just wanted to put my idea that

sometimes we do need help from doctors and that is the best option
of course we need to find a good one in all fields (€ , honest , competent etc)
that prob takes some time buts worth it.
Getting info about a subject is great but sometimes what works out for you
or somebody else might not work as well for others and we might (im not saiyng that is the case ) induce others in error
i have read in forums things about health problems who are just ridicolous
so i say is cool to talb about personal experience , study matters
but i think its important that when we talk about areas important for the well being and that we dont dominate and might have serious consequences we also say - dont forget to find a good doctor because this is just my experience and in your case might be better to do something else .

This is just an opinion and not a critic to anyone
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Post by oblioblioblio »

gustafsson wrote:haha no i have not noticed ,

well " dont think i said ALL doctors were incompetent"
"I don't think steevio ever recommended not caring about your hearing"

and i did not said u did , but that was the idea i kept after reading the post...So although i did not read that i interpret that from way u wrote the post although im not english so prob my fault

Anyway although my english is bad i just wanted to put my idea that

sometimes we do need help from doctors and that is the best option
of course we need to find a good one in all fields (€ , honest , competent etc)
that prob takes some time buts worth it.
Getting info about a subject is great but sometimes what works out for you
or somebody else might not work as well for others and we might (im not saiyng that is the case ) induce others in error
i have read in forums things about health problems who are just ridicolous
so i say is cool to talb about personal experience , study matters
but i think its important that when we talk about areas important for the well being and that we dont dominate and might have serious consequences we also say - dont forget to find a good doctor because this is just my experience and in your case might be better to do something else .

This is just an opinion and not a critic to anyone
yeah I know what you mean more now. I thought you were disagreeing with some of the advice about using earplugs or not, and other things, rather than the stuff about professional healh workers.

I don't think it can be a bad thing to seek advice from trained professionals, but in my experience that they can give bad advice and treat you badly as well.

But they can definitely be useful, but for me, they are definitely not a source that I will turn to without thinking about first.
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Post by gustafsson »

well neither do i

regardless if tis a doctor , restaurant, studio equip or whatever (with due differences of course) we must always compare and study the best options

in all areas in life there are serious and competent people and incompetent
ones thats a fact of life its up to us seek and try to get the best
of course if we are traumatized thats harder cause we make up ideas ahrd to overcome wich is natural i had bad experiences with doctors and good ones fortunatly the bad ones did not stopped me until i have found my solution so 4 that um happy
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My Girlfriend works at the BBC as a Journalist, and has just finished an undercover investigation into this topic around the clubs of Birmingham, UK; in conjunction with Birmingham University PHD students (a leading university in this field).

Apparently, a "safe" level of sound was under 100db, anything over this level will damage your hearing permanently. The equipment included a lpf which made sure only the higher, more damaging frequencies were recorded.

It turned out that the worst culprits were actually the chain bars; especially the "retro" places (perhaops those old codgers cant hear as well as us), where at times the music was peaking at 114-115db!

She was filming the readings undercover so the club wasn't making any adjustments in terms of reducing the volume.

The better places were actually the small independent bars / clubs. My favorite bar/club in the City, The Rainbow, (an underground music haven, Below is held there quite allot) was actually one of the quietest!

I find this quite ironic; in that the established chain / theme bars seem to the worst culprits when they probably have the most resources to monitor and contain excessive loudness.

I suppose the indie bars have their whole existence on the line....

Very interesting though...

The program is going to be aired in the West Mids region only, but it can be viewed on the BBC I player website if you live in the UK; ill post when i find out the date it will be available.
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Post by mekha »

I also suffer from moderate tinnitus, but i have managed to mask it a lot.


1 Hair cells get overexcited after a loud session of beats, if that triggers your tinnitus try to listen to some peaceful rain.. ocean recordings. They generally "massage" your overexcited areas and mask tinnitus a lot.

2 No alcohol, I think everyone knows about this.

3 Get yourself occupied, read a book, watch a movie try to do some peaceful music.. anything that keeps you away from the paranoid circle iwll help you a lot.

4 Use earplugs whenever your ears are exposed to loud sounds, gigs etc, BUT do not use em all the time..



7 Sleep deprivation must be the most difficult issue to deal with. Get an small stereo system and play some very peaceful ambient recordings before going to sleep... This has helped me a LOT to recover my sleep, remember that sleep is important to avoid tinnitus crisis..

Its just about giving some love to your ears, listen to relaxing music.. consider it a therapy, a code, whatever. Try it out and im sure you guys will find some progress. At least i did. :)

I remember the day I discovered that my tinnitus was loud enought to hear it all the time.. I thought of really bad stuff! like commiting suicide and some other bad sh!t.. my thoughts were "How am I supposed to live with this ringing until I die".. (I absolutely hate myself for thinking like that) But believe me your brains get used to everything. You will eventually get over it as long as you take care of your ears.

Is just about loving yourself :)
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Post by steevio »


yes very good advice, but its important to point out that tinnitus and hyperacousis are two entirely different things.

the most important thing for me in coping with tinnitus is to simply not focus on it or even think about it, infact ignore it. i'm totally aware that it is there all the time, but i completely ignore it, and so it doesnt have any negative effect on me.
if for any reason i notice it while i'm producing, i go to the bottom of my garden and listen to the river there, that takes it away.

i have a friend with bad tinnitus, and keeps going to the doctors, he uses white noise machines etc, he is always trying to deal with it or cure it in some way, and consequently he is really suffering.
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