what can i use to download music ?

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Post by infernal.techno »

muftufu wrote:because the producers i had in mind are also djs and they get booked every weekend
i take it you know these guys personally, too?

it's not like all the labels out there are making tons of money either. it costs money to run labels, just like it costs money to buy instruments to make music.
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Post by ::BLM:: »

I know djs that play out each week, but they dont get that much money and they are quite big names. its defo only a few that are making a ton of cash like the Ricardos and Lucianos etc..
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Post by ::BLM:: »

What's your favourite track at the moment?
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Post by blizt »

muftufu wrote:
::BLM:: wrote:I'm not even sure how you acquired such a bad taste for producers. If you were making music would you be happy with everyone stealing your music?Are you one of these people that think if you release music you get gigs, because its not like that at all.
i don't know, maybe because 99% of the music these days sounds the same and nobody is trying to make something new.
Even if people where making music with frypans and pan pots it's not excuse for stealing other peoples work. And yes lots of boring music gets released everyday but its your job to find the interesting ones.
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Post by infernal.techno »

::BLM:: wrote:What's your favourite track at the moment?
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Post by b-ran »

muftufu wrote:
::BLM:: wrote:I'm not even sure how you acquired such a bad taste for producers. If you were making music would you be happy with everyone stealing your music?Are you one of these people that think if you release music you get gigs, because its not like that at all.
i don't know, maybe because 99% of the music these days sounds the same and nobody is trying to make something new.
that is a lame fcking generalization. there's so much good music out there. so much good stuff out there that you'll never hear because of your stupid attitude. how about you dig deeper instead of illegally downloading whats available and support the industry. if you had a so called love for electronic music, which you stated you did (yet i think is complete bullshit from everything else you've said) then you would have an appreciation for it. to you its as disposable as an empty pack of cigarettes. and that's a shame, but maybe you should leave this discussion cause everything you say makes me want to punch you through my laptop screen :)
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Post by oblioblioblio »

Mufutufa I actually have no idea where you're coming from.

If you hated music so much why don't you just not listen to it? And why go to so much trouble to justify why it's ok to take it.

That Zimbabwe argument is fucking lame. If you can afford a computer and the spare time to listen to music, you can afford to spend a little to help out the guys that make it.

I totally get that it's grey area. I used to download a lot of music myself. I couldn't easily see the bad side to downloading (but I still bought cds, merchandise and gig tickets).

But once you know the reality of music life, it's much harder to think donwloading is ok. So many prodcuers are getting happy with the idea of never making money from recorded music... what's up with that? What about guys like Boards of Canada who don't really play gigs... their best work is in the studio. Do we just expect them to carry on doing it anyway?

I've been doing music for the love of it all my life, haven't seen 1 penny from it. The last 6 years have been full time 9-5 work. Lots of sh!t. Heavy lifting. Boring emails. Stupid editing. I nearly went insane balancing a 'real' 9-5 with my music 9-5 (ever try sleeping 2 or 3 nights a week?). I've lost friends along the way and can't afford to pay rent. No high life and glamour for me. I'm not alone here. Most people I know don't earn a living from their music. It's an exception for a musician to get megacash from their work.

Lots of people get a sh!t deal with life, and yeah... I don't believe musicians should have it easy... like fortune, fame etc etc. But they deserve to get something for their work. Music helps to keep the world sane.

I like BLM saying 'if you're listening to the music you're part of the community'. So true.
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Post by PsyTox »

roland wrote:don`t get me wrong i'm totally with you when it comes to small labels and underground artists.. but for the big players it`s just not true.. they get compensated very very very well for their work..
Oh, but I agree with you: they do get a lot of (too much) money for what they do. But then I guess the question is: does that justify that you can steal it? Starbucks makes a lot of money, so everyone should just walk in, get a free coffee and tell them "hey, you have enough anyway". :lol:

Listen, I also don't feel very much love when I see 50cent show off his cars at MTV cribs. The only point I want to make: people like that or the Ricardo Villalobosses or David Guetta's can safely afford to just give their music away for free (and that's not illegal then anyway). They will get 50k for a dj gig and those downloads will soon be forgotten while they fall asleep in their first class seat on their way to the next megaclub. But 99% of the people getting downloaded illegally don't have that other income.

I work 60 hours a week and 20 hours on top for the label. I don't do dj gigs except one every year, so all money I invest comes out of my own pocket. Last year, that was a bit more then 5000 euro. And this year, it'll probably be more. And I don't mind. But still, it would be nice if all the effort that was put into it at least makes break even and lets me continue for many years to come. That's my problem really: I would love to be able to make a bit more then breakeven, so I can pay artists a bit, get better promotion, throw more events every year, put a better soundsystem or pay for an artist for studio time to work with a singer or whatever you want to do... Not to get rich, but to get more quality and get better at what we do.
Unfortunately, downloads skim just enough off our revenue to keep us from reaching that 'next level' and that's just unfortunate.

Don't remember who said it, but that dude that claims artists and label don't work hard doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. if you want to do things right, it takes a great deal of effort. It's not like the image that is sometimes projected: "yeah, digital label is easy, just upload your music and you're done". If that was the case I think no one would be on the stock market anymore :lol:
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