How some crappy labels (owners) think?

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mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

::BLM:: wrote:
f youre just starting out, i'd say netlabels are your best bet, get yourself established a bit first, then approach decent labels. i've seen alot of friends build their way up through netlabels, it works.
I can only speak for myself, but I dont think its like this anymore. There are far too many of them for the bigger labels to look for unsigned artists now. We found Leif through the netlabels, but I don't have the time or patience to do this anymore and I would imagine others think the same. Back when Textone were doing stuff the netlabel scene was really healthy, but I dont get the impression that its still the same. If your music is solid and you believe in it, then do it yourself.
i realise the netlabel scene isnt as healthy as it used to be, but its probably quite a quick and easy way to get some of your music out there, where you are not dealing with invisible bedroom labels.
because your label is well established, you dont need to trawl through that anymore, but i think it gives beginners a chance to get something out there to test the water.

btw mate i wasnt thinking of Leif there, he was releasing stuff on vinyl before he started with the netlabels, but i have alot of friends who started out purely on netlabels in the last few years.
Last edited by steevio on Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ::BLM:: »

I believe if the quality is good and it fits the label you're sending it too then they will take it. I personally wouldn't bother with net labels, I would just go straight in and aim to get on the labels I want to be on. I can say for FOF we are not put off at all by new artists... If anything its better for us.
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Post by steevio »

::BLM:: wrote:I believe if the quality is good and it fits the label you're sending it too then they will take it. I personally wouldn't bother with net labels, I would just go straight in and aim to get on the labels I want to be on. I can say for FOF we are not put off at all by new artists... If anything its better for us.
of course bro, likewise, i dont think anyone is put off by new artists, the question is howmany new artists are not up to that standard, i suspect a very high percentage, so what are they supposed to do ?

i just think everyone is in too much of a hurry to release stuff, and consequently they are disheartened when they get turned down.
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Post by ::BLM:: »

Agreed 100% but these people need to learn to be stronger. I have been making music 10 years and I still get knocked back. The entire demo thing is really hard now, if you don't want it its best to say nothing because the amount of sh!t you might receive after is really not worth it.

Too many producers want everything right now and are not willing to wait and then when they get knocked back by labels they go ahead and then start their own labels when the quality of music isnt ready for release. I get people sending me messages saying they have been making music for a week and this is their first demo etc. If they are not up to a high standard then it’s simple really, don't release and wait till you are ready.

People seem to think it’s harder than it really is... if your music is good
and you are patient then it will happen in the end. I wish more people would make music for themselves rather than just making music for specific labels. The worst thing for me is when I respond and then someone asks me what changes they could make so I would sign it. I really hate that... tailoring music to fit labels... it shows no artist integrity.

It's hard I know, but the best thing an artist can do is go out and network with some labels heads as I think labels are now getting smaller and keeping it local. If you come out and party with me im more likely to take note then if you just send me a email with a link in.
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Post by coldfuture »

::BLM:: wrote:Agreed 100% but these people need to learn to be stronger. I have been making music 10 years and I still get knocked back. The entire demo thing is really hard now, if you don't want it its best to say nothing because the amount of sh!t you might receive after is really not worth it.

Too many producers want everything right now and are not willing to wait and then when they get knocked back by labels they go ahead and then start their own labels when the quality of music isnt ready for release. I get people sending me messages saying they have been making music for a week and this is their first demo etc. If they are not up to a high standard then it’s simple really, don't release and wait till you are ready.

People seem to think it’s harder than it really is... if your music is good
and you are patient then it will happen in the end. I wish more people would make music for themselves rather than just making music for specific labels. The worst thing for me is when I respond and then someone asks me what changes they could make so I would sign it. I really hate that... tailoring music to fit labels... it shows no artist integrity.

It's hard I know, but the best thing an artist can do is go out and network with some labels heads as I think labels are now getting smaller and keeping it local. If you come out and party with me im more likely to take note then if you just send me a email with a link in.
I agree with the last statement 100%. I don't even send demos anymore because I work with 3 labels and am friends with the people that run all 3 of them. Just about every other month they simply hit me up for what I am currently doing and I send in a few tracks and they pick some. Its much easier to work with people you have gotten to know and who know you and have an idea of what your music generally sounds like beforehand. This way there aren't too many surprises and I can just focus on being creative and doing the best I can.
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Post by prisoner74 »

man you are posting to fast :D

Of-course i wont give my tracks to such kind of labels!

I prefer to master them myself (personally or to pay) and give them to the public for free than to mess with that kind of people.

"Mastering cost money" is not an answer.
If you think that a track is not able even to make the mastering money why you ask to release it or answer positive to the demos?

Not EVERYTHING has to be released.

But is not that. They dont master ANYWAY... and here comes an other subject! where is BP (and any stores) quality control?
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Post by oblioblioblio »

netlabel is perfect to start out with. the best ones have quality control and will invest in the release. They will have an audience of listeners. And you can get some feedback.

It's true that they are saturated now, and there are more netlabels than there are listeners, but I don't think that's significant. I did quite a few netlabel releases when the scene was fresh, and I still didn't get that much attention. I think my releases would probably get the same attention now. But it's enough to make some contacts and put some sounds into the ether and see what comes of it.

LOLforever at beatport and quality control in the same sentence. But it doesn't mean that quality control and digital music distribution cannot coexist.

There have been some great threads about contacting labels and such issues on this forum.
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Post by hydrogen »

sounds like amateur hour to me. pass on them all.
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