hardware lpf recommendations

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mnml maxi
mnml maxi
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Post by AK »

Dunno, just thought you might have developed a different viewpoint because of seeing things from a modular point of view.

He was only asking for a filter recommendation (but I would have told him to fck off back after he posted that. And he pluralised 'guys')

Anyway, I'm just not getting why you'd object to simply using a filter? I didnt see anyone trying to get a 'vintage' sound like you just said - which would obviously be right as that alone wouldnt cut it. But if you want a filter, you want a filter. Why does that need to be any more complicated than that?

Haha, you guys are frightening me now. In another thread, steevio is hating on anything that isnt modular. Even down to sequencers. Now you hate individual processing units that are not part of a bigger connectivity. I was turned on to the idea of modular but not if I'm suddenly going to hate everything that isnt.

It's quite funny but I'm terrible for this. As an example, say i like a style of music. I have been enjoying it for years and suddenly I hear a new style and im blown away. This new music is like all brand new and rather than embrace my old music as well as the new, I start hating the old and immediately stop listening to it.

This is human nature but im awful for it esp with gear. I could be preaching highly about something then hating it the next. Half the time us musicians are in danger of disappearing up our own arseholes lol
mnml maxi
mnml maxi
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Post by oblioblioblio »

I understand what you mean. There is some connection between the views from modular and what i'm expressing here. But not direct, I don't believe.

The filter was originally developed as part of a wider synth. The Moog sound was the oscillators and filters. The filter was developed with a specific function in mind as part of a connected circuit. I mean obviously you can take the filter out of the circuit and still use it and experience it's particular quirks on other sounds. There's no rule against that at all.

Meh, I probably shouldn't have chosen to express these views in this thread, it's in that wishy washy hippy dippy area of the brain which is hard to pinpoint. but whatever. I love a good tangent.

You're right. There's nothing wrong with wanting a good filter. It's not for me to say how or where it would work.

With modular. It's totally not for everyone, but its a revolutionary enough approach to warrant those sensationalist kind of views. It's how machines were designed to harmonise with humans, by some absolute genius thinkers in the 60s. Perfection. All those machines which were well byeond their time, and still functionally ahead of their time nowadays. They were abandoned in favour of simpler homogenised designs to work in the commercial market. Sure, the new machines had the occaisional radical breakthru. But the first designs like Buchla 200 series, Moog modular etc etc were already perfect and didn't deserve to be forgotten and known only by collectors and the exponentially wealthy. Now they are being unforgetten, and with some little shortcuts to make them as affordable as they can be.

I know what you mean with revolutions. I'm the same. I get a bit carried away and forget everything else for a while, certainly with music. But something that is good is always good. I don't know that the trend with music taste can be transposed easily onto music machines. I don' have too much experience, but the machines i used in the past were about 1 million times less interesting than the stuff i'm using now. But maybe after a bit of time with modules I'd be very happy to spend some time with other stuff again.

Completely agree with the arsehole thing. I think it's quite true though, a lot of activity as a muscian involves weird reclusive activity, kinda unjustified internal logic that no-one else can understand. I just hope the end product transcends all that stuff!!
mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

AK wrote:
Haha, you guys are frightening me now. In another thread, steevio is hating on anything that isnt modular. Even down to sequencers. Now you hate individual processing units that are not part of a bigger connectivity.
haha bro, theres a difference between prefering something better, and actually 'hating' on your old sh!t.

my modular is only a small part of my studio, i still use my 101s, 303, 909, voyager etc. etc.

btw i agree that filters can certainly add character to sounds, i've used my 2 moogerfoogers for the last 6 years to make the normally thin Nords sound like real analogue synths. when you overdrive a sound through a LPF you change its character totally.

now where did i stash my 'Never mind the Bollox' album?
mnml maxi
mnml maxi
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Post by AK »

To be honest, not that up on hardware filters. Had a frostwave funk a duck once but it was just too aggressive and gentler settings didnt really do anything to the signal. Better for guitars that 1.

Often considered a sherman filterbank but again, whenever I caught sight of an audio demo, it was overly aggressive.

I tried a few things to make VA's sound more analog, even anal adjustments like a slow lfo modulating an osc pitch ever so finely and routing through various things, even recording to tape and gave up accepting VA's just sound like VA's and if I want analog, I should just get 1.

I dont mind virtuals, at least the good one's. Made a few purchasing errors as far as they go, roland jp8000, korg microkorg, korg emx1, korg ea mk2, korg er mk2. Didnt have anything to run them thru at the time (apart from each other) but at a guess, id say they'd still all sound brittle, cold and thin regardless. No filter rescue there. They disappeared from my set up faster than sh!t off a shovel.
mnml maxi
mnml maxi
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Post by steevio »

AK wrote: Often considered a sherman filterbank but again, whenever I caught sight of an audio demo, it was overly aggressive.
never take any notice of demos.

my sherman filterbank has been used on every track ive released in the last 10 years, quite often the whole mix was put through it.

one of the best tools to 'analogue up' digital wimpness ever made.
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