Fighting Terrorism Since - [1492]

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John Clees
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Fighting Terrorism Since - [1492]

Post by John Clees »

not that any (exact) date matters...


Fighting Terrorism

Imagine the thoughts of a native resident of the Lower Peninsula of Virginia some 350 years ago as she watches another English ship sail up the James River.

"These illegal immigrants from England are becoming a real problem. When they showed up on our shores a few years ago, they seemed like a desperate small band of foreigners so we greeted them with hospitality as is our tradition, even though they came here illegally, not having gotten the permission from our chiefs to stay and work prior to coming. We saw that these illegals lacked the basic skills to survive here. They probably were not smart enough to find work in England and came here looking for jobs that we would not do. So we took pity on them and allowed them to stay, but they continued to come in greater numbers, and they are breeding like flies. Now their forts, farms, and ouses dot our land. These English brought all sorts of problems with them. They are overtaxing our medicine men and women, being agents of all sorts of disease, from smallpox to syphilis. I am sure it was these English, Spanish and other illegal immigrants that caused the great epidemics that killed so many of our people.

The English also bring ruin to our land with their drug trade. They easily addict to our sacred tobacco, smoking it all day long, rather then using it only on rare occasions in ceremonies,as any civilized person would know to do. They deal these nicotine drugs back to their home country, using their profit to acquire more of our land. Sometimes their drug-trafficking ways leads them to plant tobacco instead of crops, resulting in much starvation. I do not know if these people ever had morals, or if their drug economy took away their sense of right and wrong. The shameless tobacco kingpins in the immigrant community buy people from Africa and use them as slaves to cultivate the plants. These drug-addicted English are so uncivilized that they are even known to eat their own wives! They can't keep their hands off our women-folk or the African women. Before they arrived, there was no such thing as a jail or prison in our land. Now English ruffians fill the lock-ups.

The drugs, crime, disease and uselessness aside, we could welcome these Europeans to become citizens of our land, but they don't even want to learn the language of our country. How can they expect to function in our society if they can't communicate with us?

Maybe they don't want to really be part of our society and, instead, just live in a "Little England" on our land. If that is true, I can see what the future holds. The English will take most of our land and force us to live on small reservations. They will even destroy those by damming rivers when they want more fresh water. They will destroy the sacred Chesapeake by robbing it of all the oysters, crabs and fish, and by sending their urine and feces there. Something must be done to stop these illegal immigrants from England."

Last edited by John Clees on Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Robot Criminal »

spot on :(
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Post by Celltek »

I think you read from many of the same sites I do :D
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Post by zkreso »

Moral of the story: Sometimes people are correct to fear foreigners?
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Post by idealstandard »

zkreso wrote:Moral of the story: Sometimes people are correct to fear foreigners?
After reading it, I guess you're right :shock:
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Post by Sneaky »

Very insightful... very sad some of the history this world has but none the less the world had to expand... its just a shame the people with power have really abused it and I do not think that will ever end...
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Post by Fonque »

zkreso wrote:Moral of the story: Sometimes people are correct to fear foreigners?
please read again.
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Post by Shadi Megallaa »

I haven't even read this nor will I read it.. but my problem is that i'm a foreigner wherever i go and i have an Egyptian passport.. Egypt is considered among the 3 most dangerous countries with Afghanistan and Iran i guess.. so do you see how it also harms people who have nothing to do with politics and just want to make music and live in peace..??

I can hardly make a living from music, because I can't go to most of the countries i get offered bookings.. i'm sure im not the only artist from the 3rd world suffering from this, but I just urge people to look at both sides of the story and the people that all this security& paranoia thats in the world, mainly created by America.. If thats democracy, I don't want it.. :cry:
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