attention fellow producers..... rampant piracy

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Post by theclockstrucktwelve »

adelaideperson wrote:just a few thoughts on this..

people spend years honing their skills to produce music, yet some of you say they shouldn't receive their fair due for their labour. following this train of thought you could say that no-one should get anything for their profession ie doctors who spend years & substantial amounts of money training? you yourself? do you go to work just for the fun of it? or perhaps you still live with your parents so it doesn't really matter?

perhaps you say that the pleasure of producing music is reward enough? have you considered (taking that to it's logical conclusion) that in that case that most music would be amateur, where would the incentive be for someone to spend the time to produce truly exceptional music? should someone who does so be denied the ability to put food on the table for themselves & loved ones? are we to be condemned to even more substandard music because of this attitude?

some of you seem to think that because the technology exists, it's alright to steal. technology has also produced other means of theft, this doesn't make it right, and the law reflects this.

please give credit where credit is due, & honour the intellectual property of people who create.


You should probably do a little research and learn what intellectual property is and how it works before talking about it. And while you're at it, do some research to and learn about how fucked up, corrupt and in-need-of-reform IP law is. (even so, the current law is misunderstood by most... it isn't as black and white as people claim)

Secondly, you're giving way too much scope to the issue. You might as well be giving a speech about the so-called 'butterfly effect'.

If individual downloads and filesharing can somehow actually hurt an artist, then there is a serious problem in the business model of the label you're part of. Sure, it effects everyone in part... but it shouldn't hurt anyone very much. Especially because it isn't new. (look at camcorders, vcrs, cassette decks, movies and music in the 70s and 80s and 90s).

The only grey area to me is the slowly expanding focus on digital distribution. Digital sales could potentially be dwarfed due to digital piracy. Buuut...

Bottom line though - nobody can come up with evidence to demonstrate the effect digital piracy has on music/record sales or if there is even a connection at all. The few attempts that have been made to generate statistics were all based on an assumption that each stolen good would have been purchased by the theif who grabbed it had they not been able to steal it. This is bullshit. All those reports you see from organizations that say stuff like "Lost revenue due to piracy in 200X" then show a spreadsheet.... worst kind of see-through propaganda.
Last edited by theclockstrucktwelve on Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by lil' jerk »

Some of you should read this ;)

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Post by exodus »

Oh, come on!

Look, I haven't bought *any* records since 1999. (I lost my whole collection of records, but that's a complete different story) That with the combination of working in a very loud enviroment (a night club) made me enter a musical fast that have been lasting for almost seven years (!!).
(A recent trip to Berlin and visiting som clubs there, together with the discovery of OMG made me regain interest in (techno) music)

But my point is... You're all rambling about how "piracy kills the musc" and makes artist starve etc. But hey, this is not something new!

Before Internet and before broadband access, we copied and shared the same amounth of music. Maybe even more! The only difference is that we used another medium. Like tape cassettes, minidisc or DAT-recorders. Oh, yes! Now I gained som extra belly wieght by not taking that stroll over to my friends or to the post office to buy stamps. So quit the BS about "piracy is killing music" or whatever. Because it's not. Actually I believe it's the opposite. Music is just groving and more and more artist, labels, records, tracks, music making devices/software are popping up all the time. This even thou, according to this debate, piracy is escalating! (Well, I believe not)

Your arguments seem to have little to do with the reality, IMHO.

See... most people here, and people in generally who are into this kind of music, are really devoted. A lot of people spin records, promote parties or whatever. They contribute and definitly buy music for all money they can afford. The only difference is, if we would play with the idea that any kind of copying was unabled, is just that we would have a lot less to music to consume. And a lot lesser reference from when we visit the record shops. But I suppose, that is good, for lousy producers...

trensp said something really good. You really can't get rid of this problem. So, you close OMG down... They, or someone else just start another blog, FTP server, sneakernet or bittorrent-tracker. Internet is a world of ends. It grow in the edges, everything valuable moves to its suburbs. You can put out a fire, but you can't stop it from burning. (Pretty much as the illegal squat-raves the police tried to stop when I was a teeanger) These Temporary Autonomous Zones (TAZ, read Hakim Bey) pop ups like oases in the desert and create informal networks, that spread the word about the new place as soon as the authorities (in this case a record label) shuts them down.

If I was a record label I would embrace and incorporate these to work for my cause as transp suggested. I'd work with them. Instead of threatening with violence, I'd barter. Like, "you keep getting this and that track for free download if you post nothing else from our label". Suddenly you just got a direct link to your customer base. Both you and the blog suddenly keep the illusion of being "down with the scene" and "underground" or whatever tag you'd prefer. Probably the best promotion a label could get. And that for free!

I never stop being amuzed how people become stupid if they believe that they could profit just a few dollars extra....

(and besides everything else, property is theft and illectual property is just a hoax)
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Post by exodus »

Hahaha theclockstrucktwelve wrote the same things as me while I was typing. How cool isn't that!
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Post by theclockstrucktwelve »

exodus wrote:Hahaha theclockstrucktwelve wrote the same things as me while I was typing. How cool isn't that!


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Post by dncn »

ill just lay my equipment on the pavement outside and some of you clowns can help yourself and make the tracks your fucking selves then shall i? ill go back on the dole.

home taping is killing music.
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Post by theclockstrucktwelve »

dncn wrote:ill just lay my equipment on the pavement outside and some of you clowns can help yourself and make the tracks your fucking selves then shall i? ill go back on the dole.

home taping is killing music.

Wow. You're out to lunch.

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Post by dncn »

after carefu; consideration and meticulously planned draft versions of my answer, bullet pointed to take all aspects of the argument into careful consideration, i have come to this conclusion.

fuuuuuuuuck you.

stop stealing sh!t you pikey fucks.